Meal Pick-Up For Remote Students Receiving Free & Reduced Meals Starting Monday, August 24, 2020. Remote Learning Meal Options for Students Receiving Free & Reduced Meals
LES Campus Shirts LES Campus Shirts - $15 - Orders Due October 11th. For questions, please contact LMS Office. You can now order and pay On-Line.
LMS Campus Shirts LMS Campus Shirts - $15 - Orders Due October 11th. For questions, please contact LMS Office. You can now order and pay On-Line.
Eagle Football vs Riesel Homecoming Special Section VOUCHER On Sale This is to purchase a VOUCHER to be exchanged for an Actual Ticket Click for Details.
Schedule Update : LMS Eagle Football Schedule Update: LMS Eagle Football October 8th - 7th B vs Riesel 5:00pm Home, 8th vs Riesel 6:15 Home, 7th A vs Madisonville 5:00pm AWAY
LISD Receives USDA Waiver for Students to get FREE Lunch & Breakfast Free Student Lunches & Breakfast from 9-17-2020 until 12-18-2020 or until USDA funds run out. Click for full details.
Dr. Knowlton's Parent Chat Recordings Please click for the recordings of the Chats Dr. Knowlton held with Parents and Staff Regarding the status of our planning for the start of school.