Join us to save lives this spring!
American Red Cross Provides Comfort and Support to Many Already Impacted by Spring Storm Season
Thousands of people in multiple states are facing blizzards, wildfires and floods, and more than 1,100 American Red Cross disaster workers are on the ground providing emergency service to those affected. More than 515 people recently spent to the night in Red Cross and community shelters in Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. Unfortunate events like these highlight the importance of being ready when disaster strikes. We are a proud supporter of the American Red Cross. Like the emergency room of a hospital, the Red Cross has to be ready 24/7 to answer the call to help. The blood that’s on the shelves now will help in an emergency situation. Your donation is needed to help ensure a stable blood supply, and eligible donors are encouraged to give blood this spring before the busy summer season begins.
Every day, the Red Cross must collect 14,000 blood donations to help meet the needs of hospital patients across the country. Your donation may help accident victims, organ transplant patients and those receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease.
You’re invited to partner with us and donate blood at our upcoming blood drive:
Sponsored By Lexington HS Interact Club
Thursday, May 19th
9:00am – 3:00pm
8731 North Hwy. 77
Lexington, TX 78947
To view available times and to schedule your donation appointment:
Visit and enter the sponsor code lexingtoneagles
or see Mrs. Ricketson.
You can also call 1-800-RedCross to schedule your blood donation appointment or
Pay it forward: Once you make your appointment, ask a friend if they’ll join you in your effort to save lives.
Can’t donate yourself? Feel free to help spread the word about the importance of blood donation – we’d still consider you a hero for helping that way!
Don’t forget: Save time on the day of your donation by completing RapidPass from home or work. Visit to finish the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online before coming to your appointment.
ATTENTION: The American Red Cross is closely monitoring the Zika virus. We ask you not to donate if any Zika virus risk exposures apply to you. We are asking you to return to donate blood 4 weeks after your last risk exposure. All other eligibility requirements still apply.