CTE Month

February 2016                                                                                   

Students and faculty at Lexington High School, Lexington ISD will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate national Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. This year’s theme is Opportunities for Career Success! CTE Month provides CTE programs across the country an opportunity to demonstrate how CTE educates students to be college- and career- ready and prepares them for high-wage, high-demand career fields.

Career and Technical Education encompasses 94 percent of high school students and 13 million postsecondary students in the United States and includes high schools, career centers, community and technical colleges, four-year universities and more. CTE is a major part of the solution to myriad national economic and workforce problems, such as high school dropout rates, a weakened economy, global competitiveness and massive layoffs. At a time when opportunity for employment is so critical, CTE programs in every community are ensuring students are equipped with the skills to successfully enter the workforce.

Lexington High School offers CTE programs in five different areas. These areas include:

  • Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
  • Education & Training
  • Information Technology
  • Health Science
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

Students at Lexington High School have the opportunity to select courses from any one of these areas. With the passage of House Bill 5, schools were required to develop Programs of Study for students to select a concentration of courses as part of their high school graduation plan.

When a student enters high school, the student and their parent have the opportunity to meet with the middle school and/or the high school counselor to select a Program of Study. The specific Program of Study will meet the individual career goals for each student, whether it is preparation for post secondary education, preparation for entering a technical school or preparing for career readiness directly out of high school.

As with any program, the success of our students depends on the dedication of the teachers who work with the students on a daily basis.

Let’s recognize the teachers who provide the Opportunities for Career Success at Lexington High School.

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resource Teachers and FFA Sponsors:

  • David Krenek
  • Allison Wilburn
  • Lisa Hoelscher

Education & Training and TAFE Sponsor:

  • Jill Owen

Information Technology Teacher and BPA Sponsor:

  • Donell Eichler

Health Science Teacher:

  • Traci Ricketson

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Teacher:

  • David Mohr

For more information about CTE Programs at Lexington High School, call Rebecca French, Special Programs Director at 979-773-3354 ext 282.