Meal Pick-Up For Remote Students Receiving Free & Reduced Meals

Meal Pick-Up For Remote Students Receiving Free & Reduced Meals

Lexington ISD will be offering pick-up meals for the district’s free & reduced students receiving remote instruction.

Families with free or reduced students should tell the school if they will be picking up these meals.
Please Email or Call either:
Kathy Lamb
979-773-2254 Ext. 3258
Jennifer Dane
979-773-2254 Ext. 3257

Meals will be available daily, from 12:30-1:00pm from the Elementary School at the cafeteria door facing the softball/baseball fields.

A hot lunch and a breakfast for the next morning will be distributed each day, Monday through Friday.

Families will drive up the driveway to the door and remain in their vehicle. A staff member will come to the vehicle, check the students’ names off a list, and hand them their meals.

The lunch menu will follow the Elementary School lunch menu and the breakfast menu will be posted, following a weekly cycle.